Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nasal Irrigation Infection Sinus Polyps And Nasal Irrigation Not Working..?

Sinus polyps and nasal irrigation not working..? - nasal irrigation infection

Well, I'm just the cleaning done by me in the nose, but not with netti pot, that my sinuses feel blocked .. are angry or something else?

Steam to a better alternative?

I speak of polyps is not like a sinus infection! (although I bet someone attention yet)


xlegit94 said...

Steaming always works for me. That's good, because its natural and really effective. If you choose to, steam, make sure that you do not loose paper on the walls (like posters) or the vapor film during the night. It's nice to wake up with breasts quite clearly the next day!

eloquent said...

Follow with your ENT-week.

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