Is it OK to freeze milk? - can u freeze milk
My wife and I buy milk independently. We have more than enough, before the expiration date. Can I get a freeze gallon, up to what we need?
Is it OK to freeze milk? - can u freeze milk
My wife and I buy milk independently. We have more than enough, before the expiration date. Can I get a freeze gallon, up to what we need?
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While pasteurized milk can be frozen, as it can separate or grainy when thawed somewhat. Frozen milk is best used for cooking, but can still drink in order.
Freeze milk in plastic freezer containers or freezer jars specific evidence. Be a little more space at the top since milk expands during freezing. If it into a wide-mouth container packed to leave 1/2-inch headspace for pints and 1 inch for the rooms. If it in a container with a narrow neck (bottles, bags, for example), with 1 1/2-inch headspace for liter or two liters.
Plan to use frozen milk within a month. Thaw milk in the fridge. Stir well before use.
You can freeze milk, but coagulates when it freezes, so if the bags have to get up and back together again. As a rule, to buy a better idea of long life milk.
If I live outside the country, close to a deal if you freeze all the time, all you have when you do is thaw shaken to return dynamics are not mixed believe these other responses to freeze all the time.
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