Sunday, January 10, 2010

Remove Urine Odor From Carpet How To Remove Urine Smell From Underwear?

How to remove urine smell from underwear? - remove urine odor from carpet

After a teenage son, I am puzzled about how to remove the smell of urine in the laundry. I usually with cold water with the rest of the clothes I toughened oxybleach and spoilage of stain remover. But if it be used again, we can smell.


Cap'n One-Aye said...

It is necessary to neutralize the acid in the urine with an alkaline connection. Use a mild soap solution of bleach to wash or try baking soda in the rinse water. Then you must correct the cause.

scar said...

The warm or hot water with detergent of good quality soaked, so radiant biozet for several hours and you buy him a pack of wet wipes of the new .. Disposable It seems that to clean a little better.

scar said...

The warm or hot water with detergent of good quality soaked, so radiant biozet for several hours and you buy him a pack of wet wipes of the new .. Disposable It seems that to clean a little better.

kautikwa... said...

keep a little hot water

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